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Deploying your solution, Virtualization and Containerization

Virtualization and Containerization are solutions to the problem of how to get software to run reliably when moved from one computing environment to another. This could be from a developer’s laptop to a test environment, from a staging environment into production and perhaps from a physical machine in a data center to a virtual machine in a private or public cloud.

The Virtual Machine

A virtual machine (VM) is a completely virtualized environment that only abstracts the physical hardware. A VM comes with its own BIOS, virtualized network adapters, disk storage, CPU and a complete operating system. When a VM boots, it has to go through the entire boot process – just like a normal piece of hardware. While boot times in VMs are often lower than those tied directly to hardware, it can still take several seconds to minutes to boot, depending on several factors.

The virtual machine has been at the center of the cloud computing explosion. The widespread use of virtualization led to amazing changes across the technology industry. The rapid adoption of VMs led to significant changes in processor architecture. Even more than that, the cloud-based platform providers of today could not exist without the virtual machine. Amazon, Digital Ocean, Linode and Joyent are just some of the cloud providers that depend on virtual machines.

The Container

While a virtual machine abstracts away the hardware, container abstraction happens at the operating system level. A container consists of an entire runtime environment: an application, plus all its dependencies, libraries and other binaries, and configuration files needed to run it, bundled into one package. By containerizing the application platform and its dependencies, differences in OS distributions and underlying infrastructure are abstracted away. The difference with VM is that a server running three containerized applications runs a single operating system, and each container shares the operating system kernel with the other containers. Shared parts of the operating system are read only, while each container has its own mount (i.e., a way to access the container) for writing. That means the containers are much more lightweight and use far fewer resources than virtual machines.

Containers VS virtual machines

A container may be only tens of megabytes in size, whereas a virtual machine with its own entire operating system may be several gigabytes in size.

Because of this, a single server can host far more containers than virtual machines.

Average Start/Stop Times
Start Time Stop Time
Docker Containers < 50ms < 50ms
Virtual Machines 30 – 45 seconds 5 – 10 seconds

Virtual machines may take several minutes to boot up their operating systems and begin running the applications they host, containerized applications can be started almost instantly.

Regarding security, a virtual machine is more secure than a container. The main reason is that the virtual machine has the advantage of having hardware isolation. Meanwhile, containers share kernel resources and application libraries. This means that if a virtual machine breaks down it is less likely to take other VMs with it. However, it’s very possible to make a containerized environment highly secure. As with any operating system, you can take traditional security precautions to lock down the environment inside a container.

Virtualization and containers may come to be seen as complementary technologies rather than competing ones. That’s because containers can be run in lightweight virtual machines to increase isolation and increase security, and because hardware virtualization makes it far easier to manage the hardware infrastructure such as networks, servers and storage which are needed to support containers.


Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of Linux applications inside software containers:

Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything you can install on a server. This guarantees that it will always run the same, regardless of the environment it is running in.

Docker was initially built on top of LXC. Each Docker container’s purpose is to run a single application. As such, the scope for a Docker container is built towards a particular application, as opposed to an entire operating system as is the case for LXC. The file system inside a Docker container provides an environment similar to a VM.

Docker further incorporates a sophisticated container management solution that allows for easy scripting and automation. Given the focus on execution time for containerized applications, the ease of scripting is even more important.

Installing Docker:

1) Choose your operative system and download the installation program:

2) Open a terminal and test the installation with these commands:

$ docker --version

$ docker-compose --version

$ docker-machine --version

$ docker run hello-world
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
c04b14da8d14: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:0256e8a36e2070f7bf2d0b0763dbabdd67798512411de4cdcf9431a1feb60fd9
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest

Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
 2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
    executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
    to your terminal.

To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
 $ docker run -it ubuntu bash

Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker Hub account:

For more examples and ideas, visit:


Docker Images

Docker images are the basis of containers. To see the list of images that are available locally, use the docker images command:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
hello-world         latest              c54a2cc56cbb        5 months ago        1.848 kB

For simplicity, you can think of an image akin to a git repository - images can be committed with changes and have multiple versions. If you don’t provide a specific version number, the client defaults to latest. To get a new Docker image you can either get it from a registry (such as the Docker Hub) or create your own. There are tens of thousands of images available on Docker Hub. You can also search for images directly from the command line using docker search.

An important distinction to be aware of when it comes to images is the difference between base and child images.

Base images are images that have no parent image, usually images with an OS like ubuntu, busybox or debian. Child images are images that build on base images and add additional functionality. Then there are official and user images, which can be both base and child images.

Official images are images that are officially maintained and supported by the folks at Docker. These are typically one word long. In the list of images above, the python, ubuntu, busybox and hello-world images are base images. User images are images created and shared by users like you and me. They build on base images and add additional functionality. Typically, these are formatted as user/image-name.

Creating an Image for a WSGI python APP:

As mentioned above, all user images are based off of a base image. Since our application is written in Python, the base image we’re going to use will be Python 3. More specifically, we are going to use the python:3-onbuild version of the python image.

What’s the onbuild version you might ask?

These images include multiple ONBUILD triggers, which should be all you need to bootstrap most applications. The build will COPY a requirements.txt file, RUN pip install on said file, and then copy the current directory into /usr/src/app.

In other words, the onbuild version of the image includes helpers that automate the boring parts of getting an app running. Rather than doing these tasks manually (or scripting these tasks), these images do that work for you. We now have all the ingredients to create our own image - a functioning web app and a base image. How are we going to do that? The answer is - using a Dockerfile.


A Dockerfile is a simple text-file that contains a list of commands that the Docker client calls while creating an image. It’s a simple way to automate the image creation process. The best part is that the commands you write in a Dockerfile are almost identical to their equivalent Linux commands. This means you don’t really have to learn new syntax to create your own dockerfiles.

The application directory does contain a Dockerfile but since we’re doing this for the first time, we’ll create one from scratch. To start, create a new blank file in our favorite text-editor and save it in the same folder as the flask app by the name of Dockerfile.

We start with specifying our base image. Use the FROM keyword to do that -

    FROM python:3-onbuild

The next step usually is to write the commands of copying the files and installing the dependencies. Luckily for us, the onbuild version of the image takes care of that. The next thing we need to the specify is the port number that needs to be exposed. Since our flask app is running on port 5000, that’s what we’ll indicate.

    EXPOSE 5000

The last step is to write the command for running the application, which is simply - python ./ We use the CMD command to do that -

    CMD ["python", "./"]

The primary purpose of CMD is to tell the container which command it should run when it is started. With that, our Dockerfile is now ready. This is how it looks like -

# our base image
FROM python:3-onbuild

# specify the port number the container should expose

# run the application
CMD ["python", "./"]

Now that we have our Dockerfile, we can build our image. The docker build command does the heavy-lifting of creating a Docker image from a Dockerfile.

Before you run the command yourself, make sure to replace my username with yours. This username should be the same one you created when you registered on Docker hub. If you haven’t done that yet, please go ahead and create an account. The docker build command is quite simple - it takes an optional tag name with -t and a location of the directory containing the Dockerfile.

docker build -t eloipuertas/fooapp .

If you don’t have the python:3-onbuild image, the client will first pull the image and then create your image. Hence, your output from running the command will look different from mine. Look carefully and you’ll notice that the on-build triggers were executed correctly. If everything went well, your image should be ready! Run docker images and see if your image shows.

The last step in this section is to run the image and see if it actually works (replacing my username with yours). The option -p redirects the port 5000 inside docker container to 5000 in your local system, thus you should fine your app in http://localhost:5000 Be sure that the host parameter is in your

    $ docker run -p 5000:5000 eloipuertas/fooapp
    * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)


Docker push

There are many different Docker registries you can use (you can even host your own). For now, let’s use Docker Hub to publish the image. To publish, just type

    docker push eloipuertas/fooapp

If this is the first time you are pushing an image, the client will ask you to login. Provide the same credentials that you used for logging into Docker Hub.

    Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
    Username: eloipuertas
    Login Succeeded

Remember to replace the name of the image tag above with yours. It is important to have the format of username/image_name so that the client knows where to publish.

Once that is done, you can view your image on Docker Hub. For example, here’s the web page for my image.

Now that your image is online, anyone who has docker installed can play with your app by typing just a single command.

    $ docker run -p 5000:5000 eloipuertas/fooapp

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